Dangerous goods safety consultancy
Since 1 January 2023, any undertaking that consigns, transports, packs, fills, loads or unloads dangerous goods on a regular basis – by road, rail or inland waterway – must appoint a dangerous goods safety advisor (DGSA). We can take on this role for your business, with trained and experienced DGSAs on hand to help you stay compliant.

Expert guidance for dangerous goods
As your appointed advisor, we’ll help you responsibly manage the risks inherent in carrying dangerous goods – in relation to people, property and the environment.
Drawing on our extensive experience in the energy industry, we’ll use our specialist knowledge to:
- monitor your compliance with requirements for carrying dangerous goods,
- offer advice on relevant projects,
- investigate accidents or infringements, and report these to the government where appropriate,
- monitor training and advice given to staff,
- prepare an annual report about your activities.
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How can we help you?
Are you looking for an quotation or do you have a question? Please let us know! We are glad to be of help or inform you of our services.